
Preprocessors do things like optimization and code generation against your pod's source files. Grow runs preprocessors every time affected source files change, allowing you to "save and refresh" to preview your changes. Preprocessors are also run at build time.

Grow includes the below preprocessors as built-ins with the SDK, and you'll always be free to bring your own external processing tools (such as Gulp).

Global settings

By default, preprocessors run when the development server is started and when your site is built. You can control preprocessor execution by using the autorun parameter and optionally by using the name parameter.

- name: my_preprocessor
  kind: <kind>
  autorun: false
  - red
  - blue

A preprocessor with the above configuration will only be run when using grow preprocess -A or when using grow preprocess -p my_preprocessor. This can be handy to control how often a data-importing preprocessor (such as Google Sheets or Google Docs importers) run. You may not want to run those preprocessors each time your site is built.


Google Docs

The Google Docs preprocessor downloads a Google Doc and saves it to a data file within your pod. It can optionally convert the Google Doc to Markdown, ready for use with the markdown filter in templates. Specifying an .md file extension for the path parameter will convert the output to Markdown.

After enabling this preprocessor, when you run the grow build command, you will be prompted (once on the command line) to authorize Grow to read your Google Drive files.

- kind: google_docs
  path: /data/filename.{html|md}                        # Where to save downloaded file.
  id: 1ZhJshmT2pZq_IALA6leXJ0oRuKVO12N9BbjAarAT8kI      # File ID.
  convert: true                                         # Whether to convert the file to Markdown.

Google Sheets

The Google Sheets preprocessor downloads data from a Google Sheet and saves it to a data file within your pod. The data can then be consumed by the g.csv tag, for example, in templates.

After enabling this preprocessor, when you run the grow build command, you will be prompted (once on the command line) to authorize Grow to read your Google Drive files.

Grow will export data from Google Sheets as either JSON or CSV, depending on the extension used in the path field.

- kind: google_sheets
  path: /content/data/filename.{csv|json|yaml}          # Where to save the downloaded file.
  id: 1ZhJshmT2pZq_IALA6leXJ0oRuKVO12N9BbjAarAT8kI      # Spreadsheet ID.
  gid: 0                                                # Worksheet ID (optional).
  output_style: {compressed|pretty}                     # Whether to compress or pretty print JSON-formatted docs (default: compressed).

By default, Grow treats Google Sheets data as a list. Optionally, the data can be treated as a map and reformatted appropriately. This can be useful for binding a Google Sheet to a content document. Field names beginning with # are ignored when downloaded.

The preserve option can be set to builtins to preserve any existing builtin fields in the document (fields whose names begin with $).

- kind: google_sheets
  path: /content/pages/file.yaml
  id: 1ZhJshmT2pZq_IALA6leXJ0oRuKVO12N9BbjAarAT8kI
  format: map
  preserve: builtins

Optionally, data can be saved to a specific key within a YAML document, rather than overwriting an entire document. In the following example, a Google Sheet is downloaded and the faq key within /content/pages/page.yaml is updated with a list of data.

- kind: google_sheets
  path: /content/pages/page.yaml:faq
  id: 1ZhJshmT2pZq_IALA6leXJ0oRuKVO12N9BbjAarAT8kI

Spreadsheets can also be imported as a collection into Grow. Each sheet will be imported as a separate yaml file that maps the first column to the second column.

- kind: google_sheets
  collection: /content/strings/
  id: 1ZhJshmT2pZq_IALA6leXJ0oRuKVO12N9BbjAarAT8kI

An alternative to the map format is the string format which will is the same as the map except it appends a @ to the key name to mark the string for translation.

- kind: google_sheets
  collection: /content/strings/
  id: 1ZhJshmT2pZq_IALA6leXJ0oRuKVO12N9BbjAarAT8kI
  format: string


The Gulp preprocessor simplifies using Gulp in conjunction with Grow. Instead of running Gulp and Grow separately, Grow can manage Gulp as a subprocess and run different Gulp tasks at build and run time.

Typically, you would pair grow run with a Gulp task that watches for changes and rebuilds static assets; and you would pair grow build with a Gulp task that builds static assets for release. You can use the build_task and run_task options to control the Gulp task that is run for these two Grow commands.

- kind: gulp
  build_task: "build"             # Task to run at build time (optional).
  run_task: ""                    # Task to run when the development server runs (optional).


Use the Sass CSS extension language to create, minify, and maintain your site's CSS files. Sass files in sass_dir must have either a .scss or .sass extension and are automatically generated to files ending in .min.css.

kind: sass
- sass_dir: /source/sass/         # Where to find source Sass files.
  out_dir: /static/css/           # Where to write generated CSS files.
  suffix: .min.css                # Suffix of the generated filename (optional).
  # Style of compiled result (optional, default: compressed).
  output_style: {nested|expanded|compact|compressed}
  source_comments: {yes|no}       # Whether to add comments about source lines (optional).
  image_path: /static/images/     # Where to find images (optional).