
Grow pods must contain a file named podspec.yaml. The podspec contains flags and a few definitions that specify various behavior and properties of your site, such as URLs, the version of Grow compatible with the pod, and localization information.


grow_version: ">=0.0.1"
title: Project title.
description: Project description.

home: /content/pages/<home>.yaml

- static_dir: /static/
  serve_at: /site/files/

  default: /views/error.html

  root_path: /{locale}/
  default_locale: en
  - de
  - en
  - fr
  - it
    en_uk: en_GB
    - en_GB
  require_translations: false
  [email protected]: true

- kind: sass
  sass_dir: /source/sass/
  out_dir: /static/css/

  key: value

  enabled: yes
  path: /sitemap.xml
  - pages
  - en
  - fr

    destination: local
    out_dir: grow-codelab-build/
      name: prod
      host: example.com
      port: 80
      scheme: https


The version of Grow that works with this pod. Grow displays a warning if the version of the SDK does not match this specification in podspec.yaml.

Grow uses semantic versioning which helps you know which versions of Grow will work with your pod. If your pod works with 1.2.3, it will work at least up to 2.0.0. Major versions (such as 2.x.x from 1.x.x) may introduce breaking changes when used with pods made for an older SDK version.

This value must be a semantic version specification.

grow_version: ">=0.0.1"       # At least SDK version 0.0.1.


A list of directories in the pod to treat as servable static files. Unlike the static_dir shorthand flag, this config provides additional customization and control over the source directory and the path at which the files are served.


# Equivalent to the "static_dir" shorthand flag.
- static_dir: /static/
  serve_at: /static/

# Serves files in the /static/ directory of the pod at the URL path /files/.
- static_dir: /static/
  serve_at: /files/

# Serves files in the /static/ directory of the pod at the root.
- static_dir: /static/
  serve_at: /

If you do not wish to use Grow's content management or templating features, you can leverage the other features of the system (such as testing, building, and deployment) by simply creating a podspec.yaml file and following the last above example. This can be a good way to migrate an existing site into Grow and slowly add new site sections leveraging Grow's content and templating features.


Grow can rewrite static file paths with fingerprints.

- static_dir: /source/
  serve_at: /static/
  fingerprinted: true

In the above example, a file at /source/images/file.png would be served at /static/images/file-<fingerprint>.png where <fingerprint> is an md5 hash of the file's contents.


By default grow ignores building any static files that start with a .. The behavior can be changed by adding a main level filter or selectively by adding the filter to a static_dirs item.

  - \.DS_STORE
  - \.htaccess

The ignore_paths defines regex patterns for which files to ignore. The include_paths defines regex patterns that override the ignore patterns.

So if you want to ignore all files that start with a . except for .htaccess files you could do a filter like this (since the default is to ignore dot files you don't need a ignore_paths):

  - \.htaccess


Grow can build error pages for various error codes. The error page renders a view, which can leverage the template variable {{error}} to gain additional information about the error. To specify a generic error page, use "default". When a pod is built and deployed to a storage provider such as Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage, the storage provider will be configured to use these error pages.

default: /views/errors/default.html
not_found: /views/errors/404.html
unauthorized: /views/errors/401.html
forbidden: /views/errors/403.html
method_not_allowed: /views/errors/405.html
bad_request: /views/errors/400.html
im_a_teapot: /views/errors/418.html


The default localization configuration for all content in the pod.


Sets the global, default locale to use for content when a locale is not explicitly. This allows you to set a global, default locale for the content throughout your site. For example, if you wanted to serve English content at http://example.com/site/ and localized content at http://example.com/{locale}/site/, you would set default_locale to en.

It also allows you to use a non-English language as the source language for content (for example, when translating from Chinese to English).

default_locale: en


A list of locale identifiers that your site is available in. Language codes will be derived from the identifiers in this list and individual translation catalogs will be created for each language. The {locale} converter can be used in path configs (such as in podspec.yaml or in a blueprint).

- en_US
- de_DE
- it_IT


A mapping of aliases to locale identifiers. This can be used to translate a Grow locale to a locale used by your web server, should the identifiers differ.

  en_uk: en_gb


A mapping of external to internal locales, used when translations are imported. When translations are imported using grow translations import, Grow converts external locales to internal locales. This mapping can be useful if you are working with a translation provider that uses non-standard locales.

  - en_GB


Flag for determining if the build requires all strings in use to be translated before being successful. To target a specific deployment use the @env.<deployment name> format.

require_translations: false
[email protected]: true


A list of preprocessors. The type of preprocessor is determined by the kind key. The remaining keys are configuration parameters for the preprocessor.

kind: sass
sass_dir: /source/sass/
out_dir: /static/css/


Metadata set at a level global to the pod. Metadata here is arbitrary, unstructured, and can be used by templates via {{podspec.meta}}. Typcal uses for metadata may be for setting analytics tracking IDs, site verification IDs, etc.

  key: value
  google_analytics: UA-12345


Add sitemap to autogenerate a sitemap.xml file for your project.

  enabled: yes
  path: "/{root}/sitemap.xml"   # Optional.
  collections:                  # Optional.
  - pages
  locales:                      # Optional.
  - en
  - fr


A mapping of named deployments. The deployment destination is determined by the destination key. The remaining keys are configuration parameters for the deployment. The default name can be used to specify the pod's default deployment. An env can optionally be specified.

  destination: gcs
  bucket: staging.example.com

  destination: gcs
  bucket: example.com

You can also specify the environment on a per-deployment basis. The environment properties are used in the {{env}} object, as well as used to derive the host, port, and scheme for the url properties of documents and static files. These are also used in sitemap generation.

    destination: local
    keep_control_dir: no
    control_dir: ./private/my-project/
    out_dir: ./www/html/
      host: example.com
      scheme: https
      port: 9000


Add footnotes to configure how footnotes are generated in documents.

  numeric_locales_pattern: US$
  - ∞
  - ●
  - ◐
  - ◕

The default set of symbols follows the Chicago Manual footnote style. Symbols are repeated after the initial list is exhausted. For example, the above configuration would make the fifth footnote use ∞∞ as the symbol.

By default, the DE and CA territories use numeric symbols instead of normal symbols. The numeric_locales_pattern configures what regex to apply to the locales to determine if it should use the numeric symbols instead of the normal symbol set. Ex: numeric_locales_pattern: (US|CA)$ would make all the US and CA territories use the numeric symbols.

You can force all locales to use numeric symbols by using use_numeric_symbols: True or turn off the usage of numeric symbols by using use_numeric_symbols: False.