
All content in Grow is stored inside content documents. Content documents are Markdown and YAML files in a pod's /content/<collection> directory.

Documents optionally have a path property which allows the document to be exposed as a page in your site. If a document does not have a path, it is considered to be a partial document and can be included and re-used by other documents.


File types

Aside from the _blueprint.yaml file, files in a content collection's directory are treated as content documents. Grow accepts content documents in the following formats, indicated by their file extensions:

  • HTML (.html, .htm)
  • Markdown (.markdown, .md, .mdown, .mkdn, .mkd)
  • YAML (.yaml, .yml)

Document path

The document path of a content document is its path relative to the pod's /content/ directory. For example, a document whose pod path is /content/pages/ would have a document path of pages/

Front matter

YAML front matter is YAML metadata that is prepended to a document's body.

Front matter contains fields. Field names prefixed with a dollar sign ($) are ones which are built-in to Grow. Front matter is encapsulated by three dashes (---). From views, fields can be accessed using doc.<field name> where <field name> is the name of the field. The dollar sign prefix should be omitted from field names accessed using template variables.

As long as a blueprint specifies a document's view and its path, including YAML front matter in a content document is optional.


Yaml constructors can be used to load in other documents or files into fields of the document.

csv:    !g.csv /pod/path/to.csv
doc:    !g.doc /content/page/about.yaml
json:   !g.json /pod/path/to.json
static: !g.static /pod/path/to.img
url:    !g.url /content/page/about.yaml
yaml:   !g.yaml /pod/path/to.yaml

Yaml constructors can also reference specific keys in the referenced yaml file.

yaml:   !g.yaml /pod/path/to.yaml?key.sub_key


A document's body is the stuff that comes after its YAML front matter. For Markdown-formatted documents, Grow provides a shortcut for accessing rendered HTML using {{doc.html}} (see the html API function below). The unprocessed body contents can be accessed with {{doc.body}}.

Rendering and serving

Content documents are servable if they have a path (the URL path the document should be served at) and a view (the template used to render the document). By default, path and view are inherited from the collection's blueprint.

If the blueprint does not have a path and a view set, you may specify $path and $view at the document-level. This also means that you can override the $path and $view on a document-by-document basis.

$path: /about/              # Serves this document at /about/.
$view: /views/base.html     # Renders this document with /views/base.html.

Example documents

Markdown body

Markdown-formatted documents can have optional YAML front matter, which is delimited using ---.

# /content/pages/

$title: Hello, Grow!
$category: Get Started
# Welcome to Grow!

This is a [Markdown]( document.

- I can use...
- ... Markdown syntax...
- ... to write my content.

YAML body

YAML-formatted documents never use a separate YAML front matter. {{doc.html}} and {{doc.body}} are both None for YAML-formatted content documents.

# /content/pages/bar.yaml

$title: Hello, Grow!
$category: Get Started

key1: value1
key2: value2

HTML body

HTML-formatted documents have YAML front matter and an HTML body. As you'd expect, {{doc.html}} yields the HTML source for this document, and you'd likely want to use this as {{doc.html|render|safe}} in order to render the HTML within the tag's context.

HTML-formatted documents are particularly useful when a content document has its own, unique presentation, that's closely coupled to its content structure. For example, if your collection has an index page, and if the index page has its own unique presentation that is never used anywhere else on the site, the index content document could define its own HTML template unique to itself.

# /content/pages/index.html

$title: Hello, Grow!
$category: Get Started

- title: Section 1
  text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
- title: Section 2
  text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
- title: Section 3
  text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
{% for section in doc.sections %}
{% endfor %}


There are several API functions available for documents. These are implemented as functions rather than properties because they accept optional parameters.


next(<document list>)

Returns the next document from a list of documents. If no list is provided, the default document ordering within a collection is used. If there is no next document, None is returned.

# Returns the next document from the default list of documents.
{{}}                    # <Document>

# Returns the next document from a custom list of documents.
{% set doc1 = g.doc('/content/pages/') %}
{% set doc2 = g.doc('/content/pages/') %}
{{[doc1, doc, doc2])}}   # <Document (/content/pages/>


prev(<document list>)

Opposite of next. Returns the previous document from a list of documents. If no list is provided, the default document ordering within a collection is used. If there is no previous document, None is returned.

# Returns the previous document from the default list of documents.
{{doc.prev()}}                    # <Document>

# Returns the previous document from a custom list of documents.
{% set doc1 = g.doc('/content/pages/') %}
{% set doc2 = g.doc('/content/pages/') %}
{{doc.prev([doc1, doc, doc2])}}   # <Document (/content/pages/>


A function that returns a title, given a title name. Allows for cascading titles. Useful for giving the document a different title in different contexts (for example, a breadcrumb or a side menu). If the parameter is omitted or None, the document's canonical title is used.

$title: Example Hello World Document
  nav: Hello World
  breadcrumb: Hello World Document
{{doc.titles('nav')}}          # Hello
{{doc.titles('breadcrumb')}}   # Hello World Document
{{doc.titles('unknown')}}      # Example Hello World Document
{{doc.title()}}                # Example Hello World Document


Documents have a few built-in properties that cannot be overwritten by configs.


The basename (minus extension) of the document's file.

# In document /content/pages/
{{doc.base}}        # foo


The unprocessed body of the document.


A reference to the document's collection.

# In document /content/pages/
{{doc.collection}}  # <Collection (/content/pages/)>


A reference to the collection's relative base directory.

# In document /content/pages/
{{doc.collection_base}}  # /

# In document /content/pages/sub/
{{doc.collection_base}}  # /sub/


A reference to the document's path relative collection directory.

# In document /content/pages/
{{doc.collection_path}}  # /

# In document /content/pages/sub/
{{doc.collection_path}}  # /sub/


Whether a document exists.

{% set page = g.doc('/content/pages/home.yaml') %}


Manages footnotes in a document and displays corresponding symbols.

This needs to be considered.{{doc.footnotes.add('More details available.')}}

Can also make links to the list of footnotes.

{% set symbol = doc.footnotes.add('More details available.') %}
This needs to be considered.<a href="#footnote-{{doc.footnotes.index(symbol)}}">{{symbol}}</a>

Footnotes can be displayed later on the page.

{% for symbol, value in doc.footnotes %}
  <p id="footnote-{{loop.index0}}">{{symbol}} : {{_(value)}}</p>
{% endfor %}

The footnotes can be configured using the $footnotes field in the document or inherits the podspec footnotes configuration.


Returns the document's body (for .md documents, the Markdown body) rendered as HTML.

{{doc.html|safe}}  # Avoid escaping the HTML by piping to the "safe" filter.


Returns the document's Locale object.

{{doc.locale}}                           # Locale object.

# Display name of the document's locale in the document's language.

# Display name of the document's locale in English.

# Whether the locale's language is RTL (right-to-left).


Returns a list of Locale objects for the document.



Returns the document's canonical title as defined by $title.



The document's URL object.

{{doc.url}}            # The full URL to the document (based on the environment).
{{doc.url.path}}       # The serving path to the document.

Built-in fields

Built-in fields carry special meaning that can affect various aspects of building your site. The values of built-in fields can change things such as a tag's output in the template API or the routes served by your site.


The category the document falls into.

$category: Get Started


A reference to the document's date defined by the $date field.


A function that returns a specific date based on the $dates field.

$title: Example Hello World Document
  created: 2017-12-01
  published: 2017-12-25
{{doc.dates('created')}}     # datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 1, 0, 0)
{{doc.dates('published')}}   # datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 25, 0, 0)


Whether to hide the document when querying for documents with the tag. Note that even if a document is marked hidden, it will still be rendered and served at its URL.

# Document will not show up in results.
$hidden: true


Specify custom localization rules for this document only. Overrides the collection's localization configuration.

# Localized documents will have a custom path.
  path: /foo/{locale}/{base}/

# Override the locales this document is available in.
  - de
  - it
  - fr


Specify the order for the collection's default document order. Negative and decimal values are allowed.

$order: 2


Specify the parent document in terms of content hierarchy. Used to auto-generate navigation and content relationships.

# Document /content/pages/ becomes the parent.
$parent: /content/pages/


The serving path to make the document available at. By default, individual documents inherit the path specified by their blueprint. However, it can be overriden by specifying $path at the document-level.

# Makes the document available at /foo/bar/.
$path: /foo/bar/

# Makes the document available at /foo/.
$path: /{base}/


Override the document's slug. By default, the document's slug is derived by slugifying its canonical title.

$slug: foo-bar-baz


The document's canonical title.

$title: Canonical Title


Specify custom titles for the document to be used in different contexts and by macros. Used by the {{doc.titles()}} function.

$title: Really Long Canonical Title
  breadcrumb: Breadcrumb Title
  nav: Nav Title


The view to use when rendering the page for this document. By default, individual documents inherit the view specified by their blueprint. However, it can be overriden by specifying it at the document-level.

# Renders the document with the template at /views/pages.html
$view: /views/pages.html